Over the winter, I was fortunate enough to interview longtime baseball writer Robert Creamer. He gave a fantastic interview, one that could’ve ran anywhere and is a must-read for any baseball fan or aspiring writer. Creamer and I have kept in contact since then, and I feel lucky to consider him one of my mentors. From the beginning of our association, Bob, as he insisted I call him, has been generous with his time and I enjoy exchanging emails with him.
Now, I’d like to return the favor.
It’s Friday evening in California as I write this, and in a few hours, Bob turns 90. For my present to him, I’d like to do something that a blog lends itself perfectly to. I’d like to invite anyone reading to share in the comment section below about how Bob has touched them, what his writing has meant. It shouldn’t be too hard. Bob did great work in his 30 years at Sports Illustrated and wrote the definitive biographies on Casey Stengel and Babe Ruth. (For what it’s worth, I think the Hall of Fame is well overdue on honoring Bob in its writers’ exhibit.)
Bob checks his email regularly, at least daily generally, and I’ll be sending him a link to this page after there’s at least a few comments here. Let’s put a smile on his face and wish him a happy 90th birthday.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Creamer. The joy on your face when talking baseball in Ken Burns’s documentary was plain to see. You even made the scent of urine into a baseball memory. That takes talent.
Happy Birthday Mr. Creamer. You and Frank Deford were the best SI ever offered. Your biography of Babe Ruth is still one of the greatest bios I ever read. For anyone who never saw him play, you brought him to life, even bigger than life
Let me say first that I thoroughly enjoyed your books on the Babe and Casey, but what’s impressed me even more is the kindness, courtesy and interest that you’ve shown and taken in Graham and probably untold others who’ve come to you hoping to follow in your footsteps who you’ve been so gracious and generous to with your time, insights and in sharing your experiences. You show that someone touched by great talent and ability can also be real and humble at the same time. Qualities we should all strive after.
One of the things that was always drilled into me growing up is that a man is measured by his character and integrity, even more than by his achievements. You serve as a living example that proves this true.
May your 90th mark the beginning of many more healthy years spent in fullness with friends and loved ones, and where the warmth of a life lived well can be enjoyed and savored for seasons to come.
Happy birthday and thanks for the example your life has set for the rest of us to try and emulate.
Happy birthday, Bob. Thank you for all the joy you brought to the game of baseball.
Bob: happy birthday, my good man! My earliest memory associated with you is first seeing your Babe biography in my small town’s library bookshelf. It was like looking at the family Bible, so intriguingly documented, absorbing, authoritative. To me, it wasn’t merely a sports book – it told the story, compellingly, about one of one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. It made it clear that great writing and sports figures can go hand in hand!
I’ve been a fan of Mr. Creamer’s since I used an article of his I found in a book for a paper I wrote on the ’27 Yankees when I was 14. Shortly thereafter, I found Babe: The Legend Comes to Life lying around my grandparents’ house, and the rest is history. Happy Birthday, Mr. Creamer — and 90 more!
Happy Birthday. I bought and read “Babe” as my first book of the year and it reads as fresh as ever. Not dated at all. Love your Stengel too, which I read 25 years ago or so and still remember.
Best wishes for a happy 90th birthday. The last baseball book I read was the Babe and it captivated me as all good literature does. The help you are giving Graham demonstrates the reality of the intergenerational pull that baseball has for many of us.
I applaud Graham’s creative utilization of his blog to acknowledge your contributions to the history of the game. Thanks for helping to keep the deadball era alive.
Gregg Volz
A marvelous birthday to one of the great sportswriters of all time. I love your work on the Scorecard in SI then later freelance work. Good health and good wishes for another 9 decades.
Happy Birthday Mr. Creamer! Your Babe Ruth biography was THE BOOK that opened the door to baseball literature for me. For that, I thank you.
Happy Birthday!!! Mr. Creamer I used to eagerly look foward to any story that had your byline when you wrote for SI. As for your biography on the Babe none better. I read in 1975 and when I married in 1977 my wife read it and in 1978 did a term paper combining all the events of the last week of Sept. 1927 with the Babe being the centerpiece. The course was at Hofstra U. and she received an A+.
Congratulations, Mr. Creamer, on another milestone birthday. I look forward to reading your book on Babe Ruth. I have enjoyed your articles in Sports Illustrated over the years. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Mr. Creamer! Thank you for introducing me to Shadow Ball. I thoroughly enjoyed the 5th inning of Mr. Burns’ “Baseball”. I look forward to more free time so I can read about the Gashouse Gang and especially the marvelous Buck O’Neil. Enjoy your milestone birthday!!
Bob, congrats on your milestone. Your book on the 1941 season is one of my all time favorites and I re-read it often.
You are a true inspiration
Happy Birthday, Bob. I have throughly enjoyed your books and articles over the years. Best wishes on your special day.