I have two related articles out at Sporting News today that might be of interest:
- I’ve ranked the 25 best baseball books of all-time;
- The latest “Cooperstown Chances” is about how I’d like the writers’ exhibit (what many fans and media refer to as the writers’ wing) to include more of my favorite writers who aren’t in because they aren’t BBWAA members.
As always, feedback’s appreciated. Thanks for reading.
I couldn’t access either of the pages you list. If I were one to use emojis, I’d put in a frowny face. But I teach business writing so I can’t do that. One of my current students is a pro ball player (OJ Poulin, for the Colorado Rockies) and wants to be a better writer. All I can think of is Roger Angell and Ring Landner with Angell probably beign the stronger prose writer.