Thanks for visiting my site! Please feel free to email me at:
I welcome all feedback (and need it, too) and I happily accept requests for posts. I’ve found they lead to some of my best stuff.
You can also follow me on Twitter at:
That being said, happy reading!
Graham Womack, founder and editor
Enjoyed reading the 50 greatest not in the HOF and would like the opportunity to vote on the next edition.
Certainly, thanks for asking. I’ll add you to the request list for next year!
Do you know of a reference guide or some similar source material
which list players by the year they debuted in the major leagues?
Hi Graham, Long time reader and as a Tigers’ fan, have enjoyed the any player / any era players posts.
The Ty Cobb post keeps going to an error 404? page.
Also, would love to see Al Kaline as a future player in this story line. Thankyou and continued success at your blog.
Ron V. aka KalineCountry
Dear Mr. Womack:
A friend of mine told me about your blog and aside from the jibes about Jim Rice’s Hall of Fame qualifications, I’ve enjoyed reading your content.
I’ve been trying to upload my All-Massachusetts Team and I keep getting this error message:
Cheating huh
Protected by: AVH First Defense Against Spam – WPMU DEV Version
Not sure why WordPress thinks I’m cheating–maybe it suspects Jeff Bagwell (my first baseman) of juicing…?
If you could shed some light on the subject, I have my team of Bay Staters (including broadcasters, scribes, and umpires) ready for posting.
Looking forward to meeting you at a future Lefty O’Doul Chapter gathering–
David Lawrence Reed (dlreed52)
San Francisco, California
Hi David,
That’s awesome we’re in the same SABR chapter. I don’t know why WordPress would flag your comment as cheating either, though it sometimes flags comments if they contain more than one link.
Try posting the comment again. If that doesn’t work, post a one-word filler comment and send me your team and I can edit it into the comment on my end.
I appreciate the kind words, and I’ll talk to you later.
P.S. Meant no disrespect about Jim Ed, he was a great player.
Have you released the results of Inner Circle Project?
I wonder if you’re aware that Bob Creamer died yesterday, four days after his 90th birthday. He is deeply mourned by all of us who were lucky enough to know and love him.
Best website on Hall of Fame out there! I would love to be a part of this top 50! I am a memorabilia collector and would love to take a shot. Thanks!
Graham, I thought you might enjoy a project my daughter undertook at the beginning of the off-season. She’s illustrating each member of the Reds Hall of Fame. She’s up to the inductees from the early 70’s at this point.
When will they admit the ball was as juiced as the players from 1994 through oh say 2006-8?
It is impossible for so many players to have peak years/career peaks that follow the same trend exactly.
Just check 1993 vs 1994. Everyone was a better hiter in 94.
Oh and since baseball was saved by the homerun in the 20s and possibly the 50s, why not use it to offset the effects of a pending strike and then use the homerun to rebound the game following a strike?
1999-2000. All offensive stats from these years should be negated. What a joke.
You can prove a juiced ball by looking at two players. Luis Gonzalez and Rich Aurillia.
I just came across your website, and liked the content. I would like to see your thoughts on whether or not Tommy John should be inducted. I have a very strong opinion on this topic (He is a hometown guy that went to school with my family). He had 288 wins as a lefty (ranked 7th all time). He had his surgery early in his career and probably would have won 12 games (at least) that season. That puts him at or over 300 wins. Every 300 game winner (except Clemens) is in the hall. He was the first to come back from the surgery and paved the way for MANY others to save their careers. They named the surgery after him for Pete’s sake. If they do induct him I hope they do it before he passes away like Ron Santo. How about your two cents….
Hi Chad,
I have no huge issue with Tommy John being in Cooperstown. He rates with Jim Kaat as probably the most durable pitcher who isn’t enshrined yet. He was also an integral member of some iconic teams in the 1970s.
That said, I’d like to see the person who invented Tommy John Surgery, Dr. Frank Jobe honored first, perhaps with Buck O’Neil Award.
Sorry Graham, the Pedro thing got me going. Mo’ne Davis represent #Philly
It’s cool. Just to clarify, Bill Deane wrote that piece. It doesn’t reflect all of my views.
Did you ever publish or finish the book you were going to write on Joe Marty. Would love to talk about it?